Join the Pipe is an Amsterdam-based community of tap water drinkers.
This foundation is committed to a world with less plastic waste, and in which everyone, everywhere in the world, has access to safe drinking water.
They promote drinking tap water from reusable bottles and refill stations.
In 2021 Join the Pipe sent six sea containers with bottles and water stations to Benin, Kenya en Gambia.
The foundation uses 100% of their profits in developing countries, promoting clean drinking water, healthy living conditions and tackling plastic pollution at its source.
We are happy to collaborate with Join the Pipe, supporting their work in the form of a customised BYBROWN reusable bottle.
BYBROWN is not selling the bottles for profit but are providing you with the opportunity to donate to this very worthwhile cause.
For every bottle that you buy a bottle is donated to a school in Africa providing the children with a sustainable way to carry drinking water and educating
them on the distribution of water and the problems around single use plastics, showing how the local community can be part of the solution.
When buying a BYBROWN coat you have the choice to receive a water bottle for free, BYBROWN will make a donation to Join the Pipe on your behalf.

Buy a bottle and donate to join the pipe.
The BYBROWN bottle is available on our website, just click this link.